In-Home Services & Support

Modern veterinary nursing techniques
with a Holistic approach.

Why Use Home Care?

I understand your needs 

Do you have a pet with a recently diagnosed or chronic disease? Do you find giving treatments to your pet overwhelming? Is your pet recovering from a recent surgery? Are you stressed thinking about your older pet’s medical challenges? 

I work with you to create a specific plan that restores balance to your pet’s health and to your life.   Using a combination of modern nursing techniques & experience with a holistic approach, I provide help when it’s needed most, removing fear and frustration.  


Phone Consults

Pet Nursing Calls are a quick, effective, and affordable way to help answer your questions about your pet’s health, diet, training, medical care or condition and any other pet-related questions.


Home Nursing Consultation

With professional help coming to your home you can rest easy that you are giving your pet what they need. See healing services listed below.

Services Offered

  • Acupressure sessions
  • Cold Laser therapy (for wounds, post-surgical, arthritis, acupoints)
  • Wellness Visits (nail trim, ear cleaning, anal sac, health care plan)
  • Nutrition Plan and food transition support
  • Transition to a new home or during life stages
  • Post-surgical nursing support
  • Phone Nursing Consult Services
  • Symptomatic control of chronic disease (such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel, kidney disease, cancer, heart failure, bladder issues, anxiety)
  • Diabetic check-ups & lessons
  • Medication lessons for owners – SQ fluids, injections, giving pills
  • ElderPet care & support, Palliative care & Hospice Support
  • Support & self-care for owners

What is Acupressure?

Like acupuncture, acupressure is an ancient system used to alleviate symptoms of a medical problem, or actually treat an underlying issue.  It is typically used in conjunction with Western medications and treatments and can help support the patient.  

Some pets are sensitive to needles and respond better to human touch.  Cats respond especially well to acupressure.  

Acupressure therapy can help decrease medication doses (please consult with your veterinarian before altering medications.) 

Home acupressure sessions usually last about 20-30 minutes.  Each session is unique to the patient depending on their needs and response.