Do you go into panic mode when your pet has diarrhea or gas? Even though I am trained as a pet nurse, I am still slightly concerned whenever one of my pets has any hint of a GI upset. I’ve developed a few natural remedies I can turn to immediately to try to help these GI symptoms. You should know it can be almost impossible to trace the cause of most minor GI upsets unless it was an immediate response to something disagreeable to your pet. This is a place where more natural soothing remedies may be of value.

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Why are apples helpful for pet tummy issues?

Apples contain pectin which can help sooth pet GI issues including diarrhea and gas.  Pectin is a natural fiber that easily and gently absorbs water in the intestines.  It can also act as a pre-biotic, stimulating good gut bacteria.

Often pets will develop mild diarrhea or gas off-hours, on holidays, or just mild enough to not need a vet visit.  At times like this, apples can be a good home remedy to try.  Plain apple sauce or baby food mashed apples are some options, but quickly cooking an apple to release the pectin is just as simple.  If your pet has other symptoms such as severe straining to defecate, blood present in the stool, lethargy, or decreased appetite, please seek veterinary care.

How to make simple GI soothing apples:

  • Cut apple into 1 inch pieces with the skins intact
  • Place in a pot with a small amount of water on the bottom of the pan, just enough for the apples to sit in without being submerged
  • Cook on low heat for about 5 minutes or until the apple skins start to show a shine.  This is the pectin coming out
  • Cool and either keep as is or smash with a fork to create more of a rustic apple sauce
  • Store in the fridge and feed some to your pet with their meals

To learn more about basic remedies for pets including instructional videos on various topics of pet health, check out these mini-courses on pet heath or sign up for the PetWise Membership.